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Multifocal Pigmentation and Your Smile: What You Should Know

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Multifocal pigmentation (MP) and ethnic pigmentation (EP) are terms used to describe the darker coloration that’s sometimes present in the gums and oral mucosa. Many people associate these dark gums with the loss of tooth whiteness, but this isn’t true at all! In fact, MP and EP can be safely treated to remove the stains from your smile without causing any damage to your enamel or leaving your teeth sensitive to cold temperatures.

Multifocal Pigmentation (MP):

MP is a term used to describe the darkening of gums and oral mucus membranes. It may be caused by anything from smoking cigarettes, consuming a diet high in foods containing compounds called polyphenols, or even sun exposure.
Here are three things you should know about MP before considering treatment.
1) MP is usually not a health threat, but the darkly pigmented color can limit the self-confidence afforded by a bright white smile.
2) MP can be easily treated with teeth whitening products or laser therapy (laser therapy will typically require more sessions). 3) If you’re considering whether to pursue treatment for your MP, always consult with your dentist.

Erythromelanosis/Racial Pigmentations (ERP/RP):

Erythromelanosis (also known as racial pigmentation or ethnic pigmentation) is a condition that affects the color of the skin, gums, and oral mucus membranes. The condition can be caused by many factors, including genetics and ultraviolet light exposure. People with ERP/RP often experience self-confidence issues due to their darkly pigmented gums. However, ERP/RP does not affect health.
The best way to treat ERP/RP is through bleaching; which is the process of removing the pigment from the affected area through topical application of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide products.

Medical Implications:

The medical implications of multifocal pigmentation in the gums and oral mucus membranes are unclear. It is not a health threat, but many people feel that darkly pigmented gums limit the self-confidence afforded by a bright white smile. If you are concerned about your oral health or appearance, talk to your dentist about your concerns. They will be able to examine you, determine if there is an underlying cause for the dark pigmentation, and may recommend treatment options.

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Cosmetic Implications:

When we experience sun damage or trauma to our lips, skin, or gums, it can cause dark pigments to form in these areas. This condition is called multifocal pigmentation (MP). In some cases, this dark pigment can also appear on the oral mucus membranes of the mouth. For many people with MP, discoloration leads to feelings of embarrassment and loss of self-confidence. Fortunately, there are several cosmetic treatments available that offer relief from these symptoms by lightening their appearance.

Laser Treatments:

One way to remove the dark pigmentation on your gums is by getting laser treatments. Laser treatments use intense beams of light that are delivered to a specific part of the body in order to achieve the desired result. However, laser treatments can be expensive and may not last as long as you want them to. So if you don’t have the money or if they don’t last, what can you do? One alternative is teeth whitening. Teeth whitening uses peroxide, which removes stains from teeth without affecting their natural color, so it’s a great option for those who want white teeth but also want their natural color maintained.

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